Tennis Book Review
June 2018

SYSTEM-9: Mini Red Tennis
The ultimate tennis book for 4-8-year olds

Andy Dowsett
Little Burstead, Essex, United Kingdom

Reviewed by Rich Neher

On Amazon

Who wrote this book?

Andy Dowsett

Andy Dowsett has educated over 3,000 coaches spanning three decades. As well as authoring books on tennis, Andy has lectured around the world on SYSTEM-9 educating coaches as well as parents.

As a coach educator and writer Andy is a trusted and reliable source in the world of tennis. Andy is also head of PTR Great Britain.

Visit and for parent and coach education.



How does the author describe his book?

Do you want tennis coaching information that is developmentally appropriate, purposeful yet simplistic and fun? Whether you are a parent wanting to teach your child tennis, or a tennis coach, this well thought out progressive book is for you. SYSTEM-9 is a tried and tested method that has been showcased all over the world to coaches and parents with huge success.


What do others say about this book?

“This is the best manual for step by step progression in under 10 tennis."
Reno Manne

“Simple, effective, purposeful.”
Sarah Jane Stone - WTCA

"Loved it!"
Ken DeHart

"So many coaches and parents need this deperately!"
Carla Simpson McKenzie

"Having observed the creation of the system first hand, I can honestly say I am a better coach for it."
David Mountford

"...bloody great..."
Emma Wells

"System-9 is a great concise method for teaching children at the formative stage of their tennis journey."
Neil Biddle


What I like about this book

8.5x11 = Easy to Read
The oversized format of 8.5x11 inches was just the start for me. That, combined with the fact that few tennis coaches are as experienced as Andy Dowsett, made me look forward to exploring SYSTEM-9. Elite Performance Expert Dr. Michelle Cleere, who also wrote the foreword for SYSTEM-9, says, "Not only is he an amazing coach, educator, and writer, Andy is authentic, creative and a passionate individual." Also, Ken DeHart's typically short and to the point endorsement ("Loved it!") helped a lot.

As a simple and easy step-by-step manual, SYSTEM-9 is a roadmap for kids, coaches, AND parents. A developmental bible for learning and monitoring progression. I like Andy's approach of covering technical, tactical and psychological accomplishments to produce a well-rounded player. He also calls it developing a "tennis mind" - the ability to play without thinking.

I did not know there is a difference in understanding 4-6 year-olds and 6-8 year-olds. Andy explains those differences so coaches and parents understand the premise for his instructions and the best way for kids to process them.

Building Blocks
Andy Dowsett has structured his instructions with 9 building blocks he calls Stages. From Stage 1 (Self-Bounce Hit) to Stage 9 (Specialty shots, drop shots, lob, smash) the book is full of exercises, drills, practices, and missions. And to make sure students, coaches and parents know that certain skills were acquired, the completion of every stage is rewarded with a nice looking certificate, from Level 1 Net License to Master Tactician.

Coming from a background of community tennis organizer exclusively for adult recreational players I do sense a big application for adult beginners. Recognizing the fact that this book is primarily written for kids ages 4-8 years I can also see tremendous value for adults who want to get into tennis, even at an advanced age. Since the TIA keeps telling us there are 15+ million adults in the USA ready to jump into tennis (latent demand), and probably similar numbers in other countries, the potential for making a good career teaching tennis is enormous.

If I were a new tennis coach, just starting out teaching kids and adults, SYSTEM-9 is the manual I would choose to work with. Get certified, buy Andy's book, put SYSTEM-9 in your "toolbox" and watch your student base grow and your programs expand. It can't get any easier than that in my opinion.


David Berens "Break Point"

David Sammel "Locker Room Power" 

Frank Giampaolo "Tennis Parent's Bible" 2nd Ed.

Becky Gunn Holmes "Totally Tennis For Me" 

Mike VanZutphen "Tennis Management" 

 Bill Patton "The Art of Coaching High School Tennis"

Joe Parent / Bill Scanlon "ZEN Tennis" 

Sidney Wood "The Wimbledon Final That Never Was"

Rocky Lang "Learn Your Game"

Pat Cunningham Devoto "The Team"

JR Thornton "Beautiful Country"

Ara Grigorian "Game of Love"

Marshall Jon Fisher "A Terrible Splendor"

Stephen Edward Paper "An Army Lost"

Judy Aydelott "Sport of a Lifetime"

Paul Annacone "Coaching for Life"

Adeline Arjad Cook "I Love My Doubles Partner"

Barbara Wyatt "Ode to TENNIS"

Frank Giampaolo: Neuro Priming for Peak Performance

Yuriko Knoblich: I Hate My Doubles Partner


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